Fossiliseddragon eggs are worth a fortune. Before the lighting of Drogo’s funeral, Ser Jorah tells Dany that one of her dragon's eggs could buy a ship to take her back to the Free Cities. Sell all three and she could be a wealthy woman all her days. Inspired by Game of Thrones, these Blue Dragon Egg Cufflinkssymbolise wisdom and spiritual ascension, making theseOTAA cufflinksa considered gift. The silver-tone has been cast from a double rhodium plume, giving these cufflinksan intricate, artisanal feel.
Product Style : 419-CL
Height of emblem face: 1.4 cm / 0.55 inches
Width of emblem face: 1.4 cm / 0.55 inches
Length of backing plate: 1.6 cm / 0.63 inches
Style of cufflink: whale back
Includes a flat face at the back that rotates 90 degrees to hold the cufflink in place